Friday, March 25, 2011

A SUNNY weekend in London

The past few days have been SUNNY ( a rare occurrence) and about 60 degrees.  So I took a break from doing projects ( sorry, that's why I haven't posted in a while) to stroll around Spittalfields Market and do some shopping. I got some black vintage Levi cutoffs and a really cool shawl/cardigan/thingy. It was handmade and I think it will be great for summer. (Oh, and I got my shoes when I went to Paris about a month ago) at H&M.
 I'm also adding some pictures of the past sunny days, they were taken on my phone so sorry if they're poor quality. I also did a mini- presentation on a fashion icon, and I chose Blondie (Debbie Harry). I'll just put up the mood board, not the whole spiel. I'm back to doing work tomorrow, I have my PR project and Fashion Forecasting project due next week!! I've handed in my British Cultural Studies, Historical & Contemporary Fashion studies, and my Visual Merchandising projects already (no grades yet..) so I'll be waiting for those... Well here are my pics;


  1. you have such greart style! thank you so much for posting!

    follow me?

